4.2 On Hands and Knees - Sitting and Rolling
Balance and Stability in Action
Lesson on hands and knees and rolling up to sitting from lying. Tip: The more effort you exert in the chest and abdomen the harder it is to come up. Try not coming all the way up initially and begin to just rock on your back shifting the weight in your skeleton.
Up Next in Balance and Stability in Action
4.3 On Back - Gentle Rolling to Sitting
Lesson lying on the back. This lesson continues with the exploration of shifting the weight to move in your skeleton and reduce effort. The head creates the momentum to begin the transfer of weight over the pelvis. Tip: if you stiffen your chest while trying to come up it requires too much effort...
4.4 In Chair - Sitting to Standing Le...
Lesson sitting in chair. This lesson explores the solutions you currently have to come up to standing and gives variations to increase the likelihood of shifting the weight over the legs. Tip: If you are feeling stuck in your chair you may be trying to come straight up by pushing with the legs. L...
4.5 On Belly - Twisting to Sitting
Lesson on belly coming to sitting. Movements help you to discover how to use the center of the body powerfully to arch and swivel the pelvis. Tip: Legs don't power the movement but remain light to start to shift the weight through one side of the pelvis. Eye movements to track the heels will help...